What I Learned When I Almost Died: How a Maniac TV Producer Put Down His Blackberry and Started to Live His Life

What I Learned When I Almost Died: How a Maniac TV Producer Put Down His Blackberry and Started to Live His Life - Chris Licht It's hard to say what I felt about this book. I didn't love it but I didn't hate it either. I enjoyed the telling of the story but I couldn't help but feel like the author was a bit full of himself. I admired his calmness during the emergency. He didn't panic but called his father who is a doctor who told him to head straight to the ER, say he's never had a headache and this is the worst pain ever. His dad knew that should get him seen pretty darn quick and it basically did.

Finding out out had a bleed in the brain has got to be a very scary thing. More scary is lying in the hospital waiting to find out what is wrong with you. Tests coming back normal is great but there is something going on and it has to be found. I found the author very brave as he encountered the good, bad and ugly in the medical profession. He faced everything head on and didn't spend a whole lot of time feeling sorry for himself. Kudos to him.

Overall it was an interesting read. I am glad things turned out ok in the end.

First reviewed on my blog Reading,Reading & Life