Driftwood Lane

Driftwood Lane - Denise Hunter We all know how one phone call out of the blue can change our lives. Meridith Ward received that call one day while she was at work inspecting a resturant. The call telling her that her estranged father and step-mother were killed and she was the guardian of 3 siblings that she never laid eyes on and had a Bed & Breakfast to take care of!

This was an enjoyable, fast paced read. I love the charactor of Meridith and her willingness to drop everything and rush to Nantucket to take care of the kids until their uncle returns, or so she thinks. Meridith is a take charge woman and I felt she was much older than her 25 years. Uncle J or Jake as Meridith knows him is a funny, loveable guy. He's a bachelor who loves nothing more than riding his motorcycle. I loved the interaction between him and the kids, it was very touching. The scenes with Jake and Meridith were funny, touching, sad and explosive at times. Though Driftwood Lane is labeled as Christian fiction I did not find it preachy or in your face as I have found other books of this genre.

I would recommend Driftwood Lane to anyone who needs a take me away book for the beach or a rainy weekend. It's nice at times to get lost in something that is not too deep.